2013 Ogopogo Weightlifting Competition

I weighed in at 93.6kg pretty good considering at Nationals 3 months prior I was 102.3kg, haha. Anyways, I snatched: 125,129x,129KG. Then Clean & Jerks were: 160x(red lights for elbow touching knee), 160x(jerk was not completely locked. My dip was too shallow), 160kg (I finally remembered how to lift 🙂 Geoff Yee tied me with a 289kg total but he took gold as he was lighter. So positives were I got down to the 94’s for the first time in a year and made a total with a PR competition snatch as a 94kg lifter. Negatives…well I wish I would have made my clean and jerks sharper because I think I had at least 165 in me, maybe 170 by the way the 160kg C&J felt on the last attempt. It is amazing how much easier a lift feels when it is in the right position.