Quick 12 with Olympian Tim Randall

Tim Randall 2014 Olympian

 1- Ok, you are an Olympic Athlete, chosen to represent Canada at the 2014 Sochi games in Russia. How cool is that?

TR: Being an Olympic athlete has been a dream of mine since i was a little boy. For me it is more than just cool, it represents many years of hard work dedication and sacrifice. Walking in the stadium at the opening ceremonies made it all worth it. It made me realize that my dream had come true and that i was in fact an Olympian forever.
2- What got you interested in Bobsled?
TR: The things that attracted me to bobsled are the speed and pure adrenaline the athletes feel when going down the icy track while competing for their country. I have always been interested in speed, power, and strength sports, so to me it only seemed right to try out a sport like bobsleigh. I had essentially been training for bobsleigh my whole life without even knowing it. I have always lifted a certain way growing up, and I feel like that has made the transition into bobsleigh a lot easier. I remember the first time i saw bobsleigh on TV i was drawn to it. I knew i wanted to try it, and see if one day i could compete at the Olympic level in this sport.
Brakeman Tim Randall

3- Tell us about your background in sport and why you think you became proficient so quickly at bobsled?

TR: I grew up playing all kinds of sports like soccer, hockey, basketball, baseball, and volleyball. It wasn’t until high school where I started playing football. I immediately fell in love with the sport. I also enjoyed the type of training associated with football. Again the speed, power, and strength aspects of the sport quickly grabbed my attention. I played football all throughout high school, and looked to play at the next level in university. I got recruited to the University of Guelph where I played running back for five years. Making the switch from football to bobsleigh was made a little easier because I had already been training for the sport without even knowing it for almost 10 years. A lot of the physical aspects of football can be directly transferred over to bobsleigh. I was always interested in power lifting, Olympic lifting, and a lot of the training programs I did growing up were based around this. At the end of the day the training for football and bobsleigh are very similar. Playing football for so long made the transition into bobsleigh very easy for me.

4- What are your proudest moments of athletic achievement in football?
TR: My proudest moments in football would have been in high school when we won back to back championships, and in university playing in the Yates cup at home to a sold out crowd.

Tim Randall Sochi 2014

5- What are your proudest accomplishments in bobsled?

TR: My proudest moments in bobsleigh would have to be winning my first world cup medal in Whistler, and most recently achieving one of my life time goals of competing for my country at the Olympic games.
6- Tell us about training on and off season for bobsled, and what exercises translate the best into being a powerful sled pusher?
TR: Off season training for bobsleigh usually lasts about 6-7 months. In that time the athletes are solely trying to increase speed power and strength. This is done through vigorous workouts usually consisting of things like squats, cleans, sprinting, throws, jumps, bench, and sled pushes. We usually train 6 days a week, and in some phases twice a day. For myself, the exercises that translate best into pushing are: squats, sprints, and power cleans.
Tim Randall front squat 495lbs.

7- Now to the weight room, what are your best lifts? And let us know your body weight.

TR: Bench 420lbs, Close-grip bench 395lbs, Deadlift 585lbs, Squat 665lbs, Front squat 545lbs, Power clean 365lbs, Snatch 300lbs, Jerk 405lbs @ 250lbs body weight. I can do some of them now at my bobsled weight of 228lbs.

8- Ever think of competing in weightlifting or power lifting?
TR:  I have always been interested in power lifting and Olympic weightlifting. I have always trained with similar principles of these two sports. I have honestly thought about seriously getting into both sports when I was finishing up my football career at Guelph. Bobsleigh kind of put these ideas on hold.

9- Favorite supps?
TR: My favorite supplements are protein(powder), creatine, glutamine, BCAA’s, vitamins, and powder burn (pre-workout) stuff gets me going.
10- Diet philosophy?
TR: I try and stick to meat, nuts, and veggies. I pick low G.I carbs when I eat them. When I eat carbs I try and eat them around my workouts. I don’t really eat dairy and stay away from sugary food and drinks. I sometimes cave and have diet coke lol.

11- What keeps you going through drought/dark(no PR’s) periods in training?
TR: When it comes to plateaus or droughts I am very fortunate. I am able to train in a group of very high performance athletes. This allows me to stay as motivated as possible, and stay on track. It allows me to train harder than normal, and I am able to reach almost all my physical goals because of it. We also have a lot of variety in our programs and various training phases which kind of keeps our bodies guessing.
12- What are your goals for your future athletic career?

TR: I would like to continue bobsledding, and I hope to train for the next Olympics in 2018. Now that I have a taste of the Olympics, it makes me even hungrier and more motivated to be the best athlete I can be. After going once and seeing what it was all about, I now have an urge to win a medal at the next games. I would also like to pursue a career in firefighting. I will hopefully get some things in order so that I can get all the required courses out of the way and start the application process while continuing to train for my sport. I would also like to open up my own gym one day and train young aspiring athletes to achieve their goals. Training has been part of my life since I was little and I hope it will always have a place in my life.
Tim Randall with his team mates.

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