Not suitable for Olympic Weightlifting.When I got this loaner bar I was impressed at the collar spin and thought the knurling was decent. I didn't think the snatch lines were…
These are the best training clamp to use for weightlifting in my opinion. They slide on very easily and with a turn of the lever they clamp tight. The muscle…
This extra cushion platform was built so I could appease the neighbours noise complaints. I will explain how it is constructed:You will need the following:4-2x6"x9'Rubber mats. Lots of old carpet. Lots of…
I have been lucky enough to come into contact with one of Doug Hepburn's old bars from Columbia steel. The story goes: When his weightlifting bar company went out of…
I read this great interview on my coach Christine Girard: you will read the journey she has went through leading up to herbronze medal finish and what coming home was like. You will…
The end view of a Pendlay Bushing Bar.I have periodically used a Pendlay Nexgen HD bushing bar over the last year in my Olympic Weightlifting training. The whip, and the…
Some interesting points I found from this interview: 1: 19 year old Armenians make a living from weightlifting, enough to support their family. 2: You are not allowed to sit…
Take a closer look at the Chicken Mcnuggets you order from Mcdonalds. A microscopic view of a popular food choice: I am not surprised that there is foreign objects…
Donny Shankle makes some attempts at a 160kg snatch with Pendlay Elite bumpers while an artist struggles with her finishing touches: Quite a cool little video. Always good to…